Hey I know you!
You commented on one of my songs!
Lol, anyways, nice video, no real point, but nice smooth animation.
Overall 5/10
Hey I know you!
You commented on one of my songs!
Lol, anyways, nice video, no real point, but nice smooth animation.
Overall 5/10
Great movie. Really funny. The characters were cute...
.fla size over 1 GB???
Wow dude, you need to learn how to compress your audio files =P
ya ya, but it wasnt just that, originally the flash was both part 1 and two, maknig it like, 30 minutes, so there was alot of stuff
Hehe, thank you Brewell!
Lol, It was great! Thank god you didn't get the kitty krew involved.
I don't appreciate the fact that you keep calling me "MixedDrunk" thought :P
Ohhh lol i thought it was mixed drunk oops lol sorry
Can't wait!
Seems like it will be great! Very atmospheric, PM me on september 22 with a link of the finished portal upload.
I will ;)
Great FBF!
That was great! Keep it up! I liked your style of art, I hope to see alot more flashes from you on the portal.
ya ya ya. thanks
What was that?
I don't mean to offend, but holy crap, I getting really tired of flashes that just loop, and nothing else happens. Lol, you might think I'm a hypocrite because of my Clock Day '07 flash. But I added webcam functionality to make it more fun :D Lmao
Good Art though, work on your animation skillz, you show real promise in the art department.
It doesn't JUST loop, the severed head lip-synchs to the song.
Great Show chap!
Still, I didn't like the fact that there were so many stolen jokes from family guy.
Damn! I was hoping nobody would notice! Lol, j/k.
I just decided to take em and TRY to mix em up a little.
Lmao. :D
Lul, that was pretty friggin good :D Keep it up!
thanks...i try my best...theirs plenty more to come!
_root.me = "MixedDrink" _root.realname = "Ryan Weatherby" _root.job = "Animator, Actionscripter, Student" if (hittest (_root.me) { _root.yourhealth -= 100 _root.you = "pwned"
Age 30, Male
Joined on 3/21/07