Hehe, thank you Brewell!
Lol, It was great! Thank god you didn't get the kitty krew involved.
I don't appreciate the fact that you keep calling me "MixedDrunk" thought :P
Hehe, thank you Brewell!
Lol, It was great! Thank god you didn't get the kitty krew involved.
I don't appreciate the fact that you keep calling me "MixedDrunk" thought :P
Ohhh lol i thought it was mixed drunk oops lol sorry
Weird? Yes. Creepy? Hell no. Awesome? No.
You can't draw most of this very well anyways. You draw drool like a 4th grader. You can't set a mood. And you couldn't pick a GOOD song? Fail.
Try researching up on creepy animation to learn some mood setting tricks. But right now. It's far from creepy. It's just weird.
Pretty Nice.
Wow, that was actually a pretty good animation, but for future reference, set the sound to stream ;) It's probably on Event.
Can't wait!
Seems like it will be great! Very atmospheric, PM me on september 22 with a link of the finished portal upload.
I will ;)
That made absolutely no sense. At all. Explain this to me?
Funneh :D
Good artwork. Plus I liked the jokes :D
Sure there was not really alot of animation, but it was teh funneh! Lmao.
Nice Animation :D
That was great, I hope to see a third in this series! Very smooth, and the PC layout was neat.
Nice style of artwork. This is a very artistic frame by frame animation. Not just lines flying around the place like some animations I can name. >.>
Keep it up.
Kinda funny, good artwork, but I just have to ask...
Is he typing or masturbating?!?
_root.me = "MixedDrink" _root.realname = "Ryan Weatherby" _root.job = "Animator, Actionscripter, Student" if (hittest (_root.me) { _root.yourhealth -= 100 _root.you = "pwned"
Age 30, Male
Joined on 3/21/07